Sunday, July 12, 2009


So i went to the beach yesterday arnd 12 and that shxt was awsome. i went with my 4 friends kion tommy and erick. it was amaazing haha. the waves were awsome and i was buggy bording alot lol. my friends erick and tommy talked to these 2 grls for a lil in the ocean but wht kinda play kan you get swimmn in the ocean haha jk . me and kion chilled. we left at like 730 lol

then we went to my pool. i saw this really pretty grl and ive like alost never seen a grl in my neighborhood lol. i passed her and we looked at each other. then i came back and she was gone then i passed again cause i needed some keys

then she came up to me. she had to sell these newspapers for a colleges scholarship. it was kool caus i filled a paper out and we sat on the curb and talked and smoked cigs haha. the i hung with her til like her boss picked her up. it was kool . then

me and my friends went to drive arnd the city and then we parked to talk on the phone and sleep haha. yah we were gonna sleep in the car ahhaaha. it was 2 in the morning then . then

the cops came lol and they checked the car and checked us and it was sooo gay. fuck the police haha. i was scared at frst cause we had hooka and cigarettes and cigars in the car but then i was lik fuck it who cares lol. then they called out parents and we were all outti

my pops wasnt mad at all lol so im happy

and now im possibly off to church so i will blog more later on today


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