Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth day

black kidd on skateboard lol i drew that btw

so im takin the cst in history today and i decide to draw on my friends skateboard lol haha

Afro-mullet; only hot cuz kanye west got it

so iim not gonna lie i think this afro- mullet thing is pretty kool.. im not the typa nigga to get one but kanye west kan just rock it like. most people hate but they just haters. me i think this is legite. good shxt kanye

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Asher Roth!

just listen its good musiclol. ive listened to the songs. their amaaaazing

Luuuuigi and Maaaariooo

Back in their oldin days lol haha

In n Out

so i had some delecious ass in n out today lol the shakes are amaaaazing!!

i bet your fatass wanted to see the actuall burger huh lmao

random pics

so i was in the house and decided "why not take a bunch of random pics lmao"

Thursday, April 16, 2009


my friend damon drew me today !! looks just like me haha we ar in ap art !! yesssir highest art class

Track meet today

from left to right: asian guy(dont know his name haha), kion, kim(top), tommy, kiwii

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


so my moms has read every single one of these books at least once or twice!! Shxt that a lotta fxckin readin NIG! lol

days fit!!!

kool fit turqoise pro club wit the skinnys dippin in the blazzers !! koolshxt u can fly 2 as my boi juzdre would say it lmao haha

"I see you!"


"Whatd you say?"

"im the koolest on this nig!"

portable baseball game lol

so after i went go- karting i played my dads ol ass baseball game lol its fun shit actually .. you kann see lights and shxt

go- kartin

so go karting up my wall was an indeed kool thing to do lmao

so Easter was bomb

i stole all this kandy from the kiids lol

Monday, April 13, 2009


shxt guys i havent posted in like fxckin forever lol im guessin i should start bloggin again eh?